How do you make an eco garden?

How do you make an eco garden?

Sustainable gardening is a great way to grow plants without using excessive resources or causing harm to the environment. It involves practices such as composting, water conservation, using native plants, promoting biodiversity, and avoiding harmful pesticides. And the goal is not just to get green-fingered but also to contribute positively to your local ecosystem too. Let’s take a look at how to get growing, the truly sustainable way.

Planning your eco garden

The first steps to consider when creating an eco garden should be choosing the right location, deciding what types of plants you want to grow, and figuring out how you'll manage water and waste. Here are some quick tips to get you started.


Choose somewhere that receives plenty of sunlight (at least six hours a day) and has good soil. If your soil isn't ideal, don't worry, as composting will help improve its quality over time.

Plant selection

Native plants are ideal for eco-gardening as they are adapted to local conditions and need less water and care than exotic species. They can also provide habitat for local wildlife.

Water management

Consider how you will water your garden in the most efficient way. If it's practical, you can use rainwater harvesting systems or drip irrigation methods. 

Waste management

Composting kitchen scraps and garden waste will provide nutrient-rich soil for your garden while also reducing waste.

Implementing sustainable practices

Once you have planned your eco garden, it's time to think about sustainable practices. Here are the main things to consider.


By composting organic waste such as vegetable peel, coffee grounds, eggshells, grass clippings, and leaves, you can create rich, fertile soil that your plants will love. Composting not only reduces waste but also enriches the soil, reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers.

Water conservation

Water is a precious resource, and sustainable gardening aims to use it wisely. Use rain barrels to collect rainwater for watering your garden. If possible, install a drip irrigation system, which delivers water directly to plant roots, reducing evaporation and water waste.

Natural pest control

Instead of using harmful pesticides, choose natural pest-control methods. This includes introducing insects such as ladybirds that prey on pests, planting companion plants that deter pests, or using homemade sprays that use ingredients like garlic or hot pepper.

Promoting biodiversity

A diverse garden is a healthy garden. Plant a variety of species to attract beneficial insects and birds to help with pest control and pollination.

Maintaining your eco garden

Once you’ve got everything set up and growing in your sustainable garden, maintenance will be important in order to keep everything neat and healthy. Regularly check plants for signs of disease or pests and address any issues promptly using eco-friendly methods.

You can also mulch your garden to conserve water and suppress weeds – organic mulch will also improve soil health as it decomposes.

Remember that sustainable gardening is not just about the fruits or flowers you grow, but also about the process itself. It's about working with nature rather than against it, learning from it, and contributing to a healthier planet!

Caring for your hands after eco gardening

Finally, after a satisifying day’s work in the garden your hands will need a little love. Bower’s range of natural hand washes are just the thing to get your green fingers gleaming again.

To keep things garden-themed try our Rosemary & Thyme Handwash refill or Lime & Aloe Vera Handwash refill.

And don’t forget to moisturise – our beautifully scented Lemongrass & Jojoba Hand Cream, and Rosemary & Thyme Hand Cream are ideal for a touch of luxury, and both come in a handy pump dispenser too.

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