Your first order with Bower will help the Marine Conservation Society protect endangered seagrass.
Update: this is an old article. We no longer partner with the MCS, but with CleanHub to remove plastic from the ocean. You can read more on our new partnership here.
The driving inspiration behind Bower Collective is the elimination of plastic waste from the natural environment, most notably from our oceans. So when we began our search for our charitable partner, we wanted to make sure that all of our customers could contribute to a campaign that focuses in on protecting the marine environment.
That's why we've partnered with the Marine Conservation Society, the UK’s leading charity for the protection of our seas, shores and wildlife. When you make your first order with Bower Collective, we will make a donation to help protect endangered seagrass.
Why is seagrass so important?
Carbon storage: Seagrass is the single most important species in the sea for locking in CO2. As a habitat it is far more carbon rich, and good at absorbing carbon than an equivalent area of rainforest.
Protecting coasts: With rising sea levels causing coastal erosion, healthy seagrass blades – often up to 1m high - can reduce the power of waves washing away our sheltered coves and beaches.
Protection for important species: Seagrass beds are essential nurseries and egg-laying habitats for seafood species such as cod and crabs as well as other species including cuttlefish and sharks.
A forest shelter: Seagrass is a complex ‘forest’ that hides many animals, and increases the organic enrichment of the sand and muds around the root systems. This is a vital shelter and food source for molluscs, shrimp, crustaceans, anemones and other ‘invertebrates’ to thrive in.
Nick, co-founder of Bower Collective, says that:
"Bower Collective is on a mission to eliminate waste and protect the natural environment. We chose the MCS as our partner as they align with our values and are doing invaluable work on the frontline of marine protection both here in the UK and around the world. Our long-term commitment to make a donation with first orders is the beginning of a great partnership".
Sanjay Mitra, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Marine Conservation Society, says that:
"MCS is delighted to be partnering with Bower Collective in generating vital funds for our seagrass restoration project and wider ocean conservation programme. As we all seek to reduce our plastic footprint, which is having a devastating effect on our marine environment, Bower Collective's innovative reuse and refill model provides an easy way for their customers to shop in a sustainable way."