2022 felt like it would be the calm after the storm, at least until February when the invasion of Ukraine and subsequent related shocks tilted the world on its axis once again. For Bower Collective and our community, we continued to progress towards our goals throughout the year.
From launching the beta phase of our reusable BowerPack™ system, to achieving Carbon Negative certification with our partners PlanetMark, we have a lot to celebrate.
We know we’re not perfect, far from it. We interviewed psychologist Anouchka Grose who specialises in eco-anxiety. She shared a great quote which epitomises what we are about:
“I’d rather see a million people doing zero waste imperfectly than one person doing it perfectly”.
We couldn’t agree more. If we all continue to make small changes to reduce our impact on the planet, we can turn the tide.
Thanks for being part of the Bower journey, we hope you enjoy our 2022 Impact Report.
Bower Collective Impact Report 2022

By Emily Gauntlett Bower news