Zero Waste Living: How To Start A Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Zero Waste Living: How To Start A Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Did you know that the global population create over 300 million tonnes of plastic waste each year? As we strive to meet a 2050 deadline for Net-Zero post-COP26, waste production and modern consumerism continue to stand in the way of sustainable success.

While eco-friendly collectives now rival the high street on a mission to reduce single-use consumption, a whopping 91% of household plastic waste is still dumped annually.

The question is, can consumer attitudes change as we embark on a more sustainable future?

What Is The Zero Waste Movement?

The term ‘zero waste’ is defined by the Zero Waste International Alliance as: “The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.”

From saying goodbye to single-use to embracing natural alternatives, adopting zero waste attitudes have never been so easy. While going zero waste may not happen overnight, taking small steps towards sustainability will improve your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener tomorrow, no matter how small the change.

How To Live A Zero Waste Life In 5 Simple Steps

For those of you embarking on your zero waste journey, here are 5 simple changes you can make to your routine for ultimate sustainable success.

Consume Less, Reuse More

As e-commerce continues to boom post-pandemic, we now have access to all of our favourite products at a click of a button. While it may be hard to not give in to fast fashion and Amazon’s deal of the day, changing your consumer habits is the first step towards a zero-waste future.

Embracing conscious consumerism is a great way to reduce impulse buying of unsustainable products and a quick way to get you thinking about reusing and recycling your current household goods. From storage solutions to household tools, you can give your plastic waste a new lease of life with a little bit of DIY. 

Better still, there are a number of eco-friendly initiatives on the market that specifically target sustainable consumerism. From bulk food stores to waste-free sustainable subscriptions, it has never been easier to reduce your plastic consumption. 

Bower Collective refills are a great place to start. From personal care to household cleaning, consumers are encouraged to purchase their favourite products in a refillable pouch that can be simply mailed back and reused again.

Say Goodbye To Single-Use 

Did you know that single-use plastic products can take up to 500 years to decompose? From plastic cups to disposable toothbrushes, single-use products continue to litter landfills and ocean floors, contributing to widescale pollution across the globe.

(Image Source: WWF)

Saying goodbye to single-use plastics is vital if you want to reduce your waste consumption. As eco-friendly collectives continue to revolutionise the market, there is a sustainable solution for just about every single-use product you can think of.

Embracing the durable and reusable powers of materials such as bamboo, silicone and stainless steel, sustainable manufacturers are providing long term solutions for single-use damage. From biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes to reusable period care, saying goodbye to single-use products will save both your pocket and the planet in the long run.

Embrace Natural Alternatives

While prioritising sustainable packaging is a great way to cut down your plastic footprint, it’s might be time to start looking at the product itself if you want to reduce your carbon footprint too. Many high street products are manufactured using toxic chemicals that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions during manufacturing and environmental damage during use. 

From cleaning products to your favourite skincare brands, it’s time to start checking those ingredient labels. Better still, why not opt for vegan-friendly alternatives that prioritise sustainable manufacturing and are derived from natural ingredients.

For skincare lovers, we recommend eco-friendly brands such as Beauty Kitchen and UpCircle which provide gentle yet effective skincare solutions that won’t contribute to your carbon footprint.

Clean Green 

Making some simple tweaks to your household routine is also an easy way to contribute to zero waste living. 

The green cleaning movement in particular is important if you’re looking to cut down both your plastic and carbon footprint. Many high street cleaning brands contain corrosive chemicals that are bad for both your health and the environment. Switching to natural alternatives will still leave your surfaces shining without damaging consequences.

Shop Sustainably 

Shopping sustainably could quite possibly be the most important solution to the question of how to live a zero waste life. 

Making changes from the top down is vital if you want to reduce the effects of unsustainable manufacturing. Instead of giving business to both high street and e-commerce giants that create large amounts of waste during mass production processes, it’s time to opt for eco-friendly alternatives.

How Do Zero Waste Stores Work?

If you’re looking to start making some sustainable changes to your routine, why not visit a zero waste store?

From personal care products to household essentials, online zero waste stores such as Bower Collective are full of sustainable solutions for single-use problems. Partnering with a large number of eco-friendly brands, Bower prides itself on providing plastic-free natural alternatives to your favourite products, perfect for those of you looking to go zero waste.

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